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February 2007 Archives

February 4, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Lacie Heart

Roger Pipe from interviews Digital Playground Contract star Lacie Heart.

Brand new Digital Playground contract girl Lacie Heart sits for a chat. Though she has softened a bit since greeting me at the Circle Bar with "you're the guy who gives me bad reviews" Lacie is still a little perturbed about my review of her Vivid movie Roughed Up. She opens up though, talking about her contract at Vivid, her relationship with Scott Nails and in the end drops a bomb. Read on and find out, for the first time, about Lacie’s run in with the law.

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

February 7, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Sunny Lane

Roger Pipe from interviews adult superstar Sunny Lane.

Though I speak with her every week when I do my review during “The Wanker Show” on KSEX Radio, this was my first time meeting Sunny Lane face to face. Our interview was also my chance to present her with the RogReviews Critic’s Choice trophy as Best Female Performer. The bubbly adult star introduces me to her breasts (Mama and Mia for those scoring at home.), talks about her award-nominated role in Red Light District’s Sex Pix and discusses her incredible flexibility.

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

About February 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Roger Pipe's Porn Star Interviews in February 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2007 is the previous archive.

March 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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