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March 2007 Archives

March 1, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Hillary Scott

Roger Pipe from interviews RogReviews.com Critic’s Choice Best Female Performer 2006 Hillary Scott . (Oh and she also won the AVN Award for Performer of the Year.)

Hillary Scott had one hell of a fine year in 2006. She took over the title character in Britney Rears 3: Britney Gets Shafted then she blew everyone away with her emotionally charged performance in Eli Cross’ Corruption. Those two performances as well as incredible sex scenes like the ones we saw in Anal Princess Diaries and Take It Black 5 have made Hillary a fan favorite and now a multiple award winner.

In this interview, Hillary promises to show me the wonders of a proper gagging blowjob, address the myth of interracial sex as a detriment to a career and puts to rest those rumors that she just doesn’t like me. We also discussed her new web site Target=”_new”>www.ClubHillaryScott.com, her role as Marcia in the upcoming Brady Bunch porn flick, how she went from bank teller to porn superstar and I even got to test out her new (and spectacular) boobs.

Check out Hillary getting her trophy in this Rog Rules Video Clip of Hillary Scott.

For even more Hillary check out www.ClubHillaryScott.com

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

March 6, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Jesse Jane 2007

Roger Pipe from interviews Digital Playground Contract Girl Jesse Jane

Text Version of the Interview Here

Jesse Jane is one of the hottest women in all of porn. The Digital Playground contract star is entering her fifth year in the business and show no signs of slowing down. She has two shows on Playboy TV, has revamped her website, www.JesseJane.com and is preparing for the heavily anticipated sequel to her massive hit Pirates. After owning to something she owes me, Jesse talks about her busy schedule, what it’s like being married and how she plans to keep going strong in year five. We’ve done four interviews so far and I never get tired to talking (or sitting next) to Jesse. It’s pretty easy to see why she is so popular with fans.

Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

March 15, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Miko Sinz 2007

Roger Pipe from interviews Miko Sinz

Text Version of the Interview Here

Though she has only made a few movies, Miko Sinz has already impressed lovers of hot Asian girls. She has come along way since her first scene for BigDicksLittleAsians.com. Fans have seen her in great movies like Cockasian, Me Luv U Long Time 10, Young Asian Cuties 4 and Chow My Pu-Tang. Among the topics of discussion in this interview are the fact that she isn't doing boys any more and how hard she is working on her web site.

Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

About March 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Roger Pipe's Porn Star Interviews in March 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2007 is the previous archive.

May 2007 is the next archive.

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