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May 2007 Archives

May 1, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Jana Cova 2007

Roger Pipe from interviews Jana Cova

Text Version of the Interview Here

For a second year in a row, Digital Playground contract star Jana Cova sat down with me and really brightened my day. This year we talked about her possible roles in the upcoming Pirates 2, which if the new Digital Playground girls she has worked with and even explored her limited backdoor experience. You'll have to read the interview to find out all the details and then head over to www.ClubJanaCova.com to see just what kind of anal trouble this lovely Czech blonde likes to get into.

Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

May 30, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Whitney Stevens

Roger Pipe from interviews Whitney Stevens

Text Version of the Interview Here

Brand new, build for pleasure and hot as can be, Whitney Stevens is set to the take the porn world by storm. It is impossible not to notice her perfect, and natural, 34dd's but Whitney also has gorgeous eyes. (Really, she does) We talked about some of her early movies, topless golf in Palm Springs and what it was like to take on Shane Diesel. Whitney also has a sister in the biz, Britney. So naturally we talked about what it is like working with her, their sibling rivalry and oh yeah, the fact that THEY HAD SEX TOGETHER! Check out Whitney in Jules Jordan’s Breast Worship, Mike John’s POV Pervert 8, or Robby D’s Ass Addiction 2. Or see her in one of her other movies.

Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

About May 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Roger Pipe's Porn Star Interviews in May 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2007 is the previous archive.

June 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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