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July 2007 Archives

July 5, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Micah Moore (January 2007)

Roger Pipe from interviews Micah Moore

Text Version of the Interview Here

What happens when a girl goes from working at Starbucks to “swimsuit modeling” at nineteen? She ends up in porn of course. Such is the tale of young Micah Moore, a painfully cute brunette who gave up making coffee for taking cream for a living. From her first scene with Ramon for MonstersofCock.com Micah has shown that she has what it takes to be a star. In just a short time in the industry, Micah has developed a strong following among fans thanks to her fresh looks and spectacular backside. This former honor student and all around jock lives a healthy lifestyle that includes being a Vegan. Sorry guys, no swallowing of any animal fluids for this cutie. Swallowing isn’t the only thing she doesn’t do. We go over that list during this short interview.
Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

July 13, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Eli Cross (January 2007)

Roger Pipe from interviews Eli Cross

Text Version of the Interview Here

Few movies in the recent history of adult entertainment have been as controversial and as honored as Eli Cross’ Corruption. It is a chilling film with dark sexuality, relentless emotional sadism and by the way, it’s pretty fucking hot as well. At the Adult Entertainment Expo in January of 2007, I sat down with Eli and talked at length about this monumental adult film. It isn’t every day an adult film director can discuss the casting process with a straight face, but Eli does it here. We also touch a bit on his history at AVN (As Bryn Pryor), his relationship with Kylie Ireland and why he choose to star in his own movie, but use a stunt cock when it came time to get blown by Hillary Scott. It isn’t every day that someone from this industry opens up so completely about his work and the work of others. This one runs a little long, but Eli had so much good stuff to say that I wasn’t about to cut him off. In fact, we plan to sit down and do an even longer interview about other aspects of the adult industry sometime soon.

Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

Roger Pipe Interviews Shy Love (January 2007)

Roger Pipe from interviews Shy Love

Text Version of the Interview Here

Shy Love is a very busy woman. In addition to being one of the most sought after adult performers, she is an accomplished dance circuit entertainer and has been directing movies for Huster and VCA. As if that weren’t enough she has also opened her own talent agency. She has starred in such adult hits as Francesca Le’s Overload, Britney Rears 2 and Big Wet Asses 2. Her interesting ethnic mix (Sicilian, Puerto Rican and Jewish) makes her as hard to pin down as her accent. This exotic mix has helped her land roles in all sorts of movies and according to her, makes her “screwed in the head.” She took time out at the Adult Entertainment Expo to talk to me about her four year career as a performer and the exciting new directions her career is taking. She talks about her favorite girls to work with, discusses why she would never date a guy from the industry and reveals the strangest request she has ever had from a fan.

Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

About July 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Roger Pipe's Porn Star Interviews in July 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2007 is the previous archive.

September 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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