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November 2007 Archives

November 12, 2007

Rog Pipe Interviews Shay Jordan

Roger Pipe from interviews Shay Jordan

Text Version of the Interview Here

Fresh faced and almost brand new, Shay Jordan absolutely shined on the floor of the 2007 Adult Entertainment Expo. The Digital Playground contract star was making her first major show appearance and doing her first major interviews, but she handled herself with grace, style and a wonderful sense of humor. By the time I sat down with Shay to do this interview, I was already impressed by her early performances in Sexual Freak: Teagan and Jack’s Asian Adventures. I has seen her on screen and had her down as a finalist for the first “The Next Big Thing” award. Once I got to meet this stunningly beautiful woman and talk with her about her aspirations, dreams and her love of sex, it was all over. Three days later Shay was given the Next Big Thing trophy and has spent much of 2007 proving to everyone that I got it right on this one. One of the most stunningly gorgeous women in the industry, Shay is more attractive in person than on screen and as fun and cool as she beautiful. Her sexual performances have gotten better and better and she is definitely one of the top performers in the business. In addition to her beauty, sexual energy and personality, Shay has been given the chance to work behind the camera, filming outstanding behind the scenes for Digital Playground and Handheld Pictures projects. Check out The Next Big Thing in any of the recent movies she has starred in Naked Aces. Sexual Freak 3: Shay Jordan, Jack’s POV 6 and most recently in Virtual Sex With Shay Jordan. Admire her, lust after her, even fall in love with her from afar, but remember guys, Shay is the mother of my future children. Hands off, she’s mine!

Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

November 22, 2007

Roger Pipe Interviews Su From Anabolic (November 2007)

Roger Pipe from interviews Su From Anabolic

For more than fifteen years Su has been a part of the Anabolic family. She has also had just about every job imaginable in the industry. From her early days as a performer (Way back when they still had genres like Pro-Am) to her Jill of All Trades role for Anabolic now, she has worn many hats. Working against stereotype, she has directed such raincoter hits as Up Your Ass 23 and Gangbang Auditions 15. Don’t let the fact that she is a woman (A beautiful one at that) fool you. Su makes movies for guys (and girls) who love their women hot, their sex hard and with nothing at all to get in the way. Su was kind enough to take a few minutes out of her busy schedule for an interview at the Anabolic offices. We talked about the changes she has seen in the business over the years, what it is like to be a woman shooting porn for guys and offers her opinions on where the industry is headed. I hope you find it as interesting as I did.

Su's Movies

Gangbang Auditions 13

Gangbang Auditions 15

Gangbang Auditions 16

Up Your Ass 21

Up Your Ass 22

Up Your Ass 23


I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

November 25, 2007

Roger Pipe Interview Director Robby D

Roger Pipe from interviews Director Robby D

Text Version of the Interview Here

Digital Playground director Robby D gives me an interview at the Adult Expo in January of 2007. Taking a break from interviewing hot girls I got to talk with the guy who shoots the hot girls. Since this is our third interview, we have already covered Robby’s early career shooting for Vivid, the origins of his Jack’s Playground movie and his role in creating the mega-hit “Pirates” This year we focused a bit on what Robby is doing now. He has been focused on his own projects for Handheld Pictures. His strong 2006 earned him his first RogReviews Critic’s Choice Award and raised the bar for him considerably. With such hot flicks as Ass Addiction, Control 2, Black Cock Slut and Jungle Story, Robby is on a roll. Look for more of Robby’s movie on www.RobbyD.com and www.DigitalPlayground.com

Text Version of the Interview Here

I’m still working on the audio set up and techniques for these interviews. If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

About November 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Roger Pipe's Porn Star Interviews in November 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

September 2007 is the previous archive.

December 2007 is the next archive.

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