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April 2008 Archives

April 5, 2008

Roger Pipe Interviews Stoya

Roger Pipe from interviews Stoya

Read Stoya’s Interview Here

Digital Playground’s new contract star is young, pretty, sexy, loves it in the butt and she likes to hurt people. Yes Stoya is a woman with many talents, many layers and at least three hot orifices for lucky men to insert their penises into. This 21 year old was born in North Carolina, but has a touch of gypsy in her. She has lived all of the country and tries to take a little something from every place she stops. This same attitude serves her well sexually. Stoya likes the variety she gets from both men and women. Even dick size is open for discussion. Sometimes this pretty little thing feels like a big dick and sometimes she doesn’t. No matter, I would imagine she gets it as often as she wants, from whomever she wants. Check here out in “Jack’s POV 9,” . “Jesse Jane: Lust.” and the latest DP movie Cheerleaders. She’s super cute, totally hot, but be careful guys. She really, really likes to hurt people. That may be more than we really wanted to know. On the plus side, she did let us know that Katsuni’s ass “tastes just like strawberries.”


Read Stoya’s Interview Here

April 18, 2008

Roger Pipe Interviews Gianna Michaels

Roger Pipe from interviews Gianna Michaels

Read Gianna’s Interview Here

I finally got to sit down with superstar Gianna Michaels at the Adult Entertainment Expo in January of 2008. Literally busting out of her tiny tank top, Gianna was creating quite a stir in the Jules Jordan Video booth, Gianna could barely contain her massive charms as we spoke. In return I could barely contain my enthusiasm for her assets. The star of the mega hit G for Gianna was open and honest about who she is, what she likes and what she thinks of the fact that certain industry publications seems to be late to the Gianna appreciation party. No matter, the fans know how great she is. Known for her incredible breasts, Gianna lit up the world with her hot three way in Fashionistas: The Challenge and has been riding a wave of success as big as her basketball sized bazooms. She has been featured on such sites as , BustyCafe.com, MonstersOfCock.com and Twistys.com. She talks about her favorite stars, her allegedly love for big cocks and her new web site. She also has a question for me….have I ever imagined putting my cock between her tits. Bet you can’t guess my answer.

See Gianna at www.BangBrosNetwork.com

Read Gianna’s Interview Here

If you have any comments, good or bad, email them over to me (rog@rogreviews.com) or leave a comment here in the blog. I would really appreciate hearing from all of you so I can shape the interviews in the future.

About April 2008

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